Monthly Donor Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes! If you have an account sign into your account and follow the steps below:

  1. After logging in, click My account, and then Subscriptions. All subscriptions are listed in the Subscriptions section. You can click a subscription to view its details, including:

    • The next order date

    • Price

    • Subscription frequency

    • Order history 

    • Saved billing and shipping information

  2. To cancel the subscription, click Cancel Subscription. You'll receive a cancel confirmation email containing all the information. Cancelling a subscription doesn't automatically cancel the most recent order— but cancels the next month and all future months.

Can a customer pause their subscription?

If you want to pause your subscription, you can cancel your subscription and purchase again when you are ready. To cancel subscription please follow the steps listed above.

What happens if a customer’s payment fails?

When a customer’s payment fails, you and the Casa Bella Foundation get an email notification. The customer's email includes a link to update your billing information. The charge is attempted again after five days, and then for a final time five days after that. If the payment fails for a third time, the order and subscription are cancelled. Customers can update their payment information in the Subscription panel in their Customer Account.

Where is my receipt?

Every month when your card is charged you will receive an order confirmation. This will include the amount charged— your thank you for your donation, as well as our EIN number for any tax references.

What if I want to downgrade/upgrade my monthly amount?

If you want to downgrade or upgrade your monthly donation you can do one or two things… Reach out to us and we will process that for you, or cancel your subscription and purchase the new amount you would like to donate. Keep in mind that the subscription cancels the following month and not the current month.

If you have any other questions/concerns please feel free to email us for further assistance